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Australian Legal Practice
Australia Tightens Acquisition of  Agricultural Land by Foreign Investors The Year 2017 has proven to be a turbulent year for Sino-Australian relationship, which witnessed not only the downfall of some pro-Chinese politicians amid scandals of taking illicit funding from Chinese businessmen in Australia, but also the tabling of the highly controversial counter-espionage and foreign interference...
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There are a lot of reasons why a director is removed from his office. These include his incompetence, his relationship with his peers and other colleagues of the company, and sometimes misconducts such as breach of fiduciary duties etc. Generally, only shareholders can remove a director, the reason being that directors are considered as quasi-agents...
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Introduction In layman’s terms, Insider trading is the buying or selling of a security by someone who has access to material nonpublic information about the security. Insider trading has been a prevalent phenomenon even in the most mature financial markets, particularly in the recent decade when the ubiquity of internet and innovation of financial products...
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(Author, Mr. Edward Tai, consultant of our firm. Born and educated in Hong Kong, he is a solicitor admitted in Hong Kong, Australia (NSW & SA) and England & Wales. He started off his legal career by practicing as a commercial litigator in Hong Kong. After that, he went in-house in different roles of counsel,...
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Hong Kong arbitration lawyer
With the governments of Hong Kong and Australia kicking off the negotiations for a free trade agreement in April 2017, which aims at further strengthening the already vibrant trades between the two regions, trading volume is bound to explode following conclusion of the bilateral treaty. With the explosion in trades also, unfortunately, will come the...
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