Hong Kong Company Search, BVI Company Search, Cayman Company Search, Other Search Services
We provide company search services in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Below is the price information of common search services. For other searches, please contact us directly for pricing.
Hong Kong company name search ($1,500), Hong Kong company search ($3,000), Hong Kong business registration search ($3,000), Hong Kong property registration search (per person) ($6,000), Hong Kong marriage record search ($3,000), Hong Kong birth and death record search ($3,000).
BVI company name enquiry (NT$1,500), BVI company registration information enquiry (NT$3,000), certified copy of BVI company registration information (NT$3,000/copy), notarization and authentication of BVI company documents (NT$8,000/copy).
Cayman company registration information enquiry (RMB 3,000), US company registration information enquiry (RMB 3,000), UK company registration information enquiry (RMB 3,000), Canadian company registration information enquiry, Australian company registration information enquiry (RMB 3,000) and so on.