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How to fight a good divorce case in Hong Kong?

As Hong Kong lawyers handling divorce litigation cases, we have been involved in and handled a divorce litigation in Hong Kong and experienced the sweet and sour of the case together with our clients. In different divorce cases, sometimes we represent the applicant side, sometimes we represent the respondent side. The disputes in the divorce cases are also different, some of them are about the divorce itself, while more of them are about the adjustment of property or alimony, or the custody and visitation rights of the children.

A friend asked: As a Hong Kong divorce lawyer who has handled different kinds of divorce cases, to summarize, how to fight a good divorce case in Hong Kong? This is a bit of a difficult question, but I have tried to provide some summaries on how to conduct divorce proceedings in Hong Kong.

Table of Contents


  1. Have you really decided to fight a divorce case?
  2. What grounds for divorce should I choose?
  3. To agree to divorce, or not to agree to divorce? The Third Way
  4. Do I need foreign service?
  5. How to get a divorce if the other party cannot be found?
  6. What should I do if the other party does not come to answer the petition?

Child Custody

  1. What are custody, support, visitation, and daily care control?
  2. Joint custody or sole custody?
  3. Daily care and control.
  4. How visiting rights are exercised.
  5. Investigation Report of the Social Welfare Department.
  6. Restrictions on removal of children from Hong Kong.
  7. Child Maintenance, how is it calculated?

Property Adjustment (Alimony)

  1. Why is it wrong to say ‘division of joint property’?
  2. Divorce in Hong Kong or in the Mainland? Property Considerations.
  3. Can I claim alimony?
  4. How do the Hong Kong Courts deal with the property of the parties in Mainland China (or elsewhere)?
  5. Is there a distinction between pre-marital and post-marital property?
  6. Does marital fault (extramarital affair) affect the adjustment of divorce property?
  7. The effect of long-term and short-term marriages on property.
  8. The prenuptial (marital) property agreement, in the divorce is valid?
  9. The house bought in the name of a third person, how to divide the divorce?
  10. Property Disclosure.
  11. Forcing the other party to make detailed property disclosure.
  12. Forcing the other party to attend court hearings.
