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Succession of Hong Kong Residents’ Estates in Mainland

Succession of Hong Kong Residents’ Estates in the Mainland of China

Our firm provides one-stop legal services to clients in relation to the succession of Hong Kong residents’ estates in the Mainland, including assisting clients in applying for notarization of succession in Hong Kong, notarization of succession rights in the Mainland, litigation of succession rights in the Mainland (confirmation of succession rights through court proceedings), handling of inheritance transfers of properties in the Mainland, and collecting estates in the Mainland, etc. Our cross-border wills and estates lawyers are qualified to practise in both Hong Kong and the Mainland. Our cross-border wills and inheritance lawyers are qualified to practise in both the Mainland of China and Hong Kong and are able to provide clients with appropriate advice on the law and practice of inheritance in both Hong Kong and the Mainland to resolve practical issues.


Practice Area: Inheritance in the Mainland by Hong Kong Residents

  • Advising clients on succession to estates in the Mainland by Hong Kong residents;
  • Assisting clients in obtaining Notary Public’s Certificate for China Appointed Attesting Officer for Hong Kong residents’ succession to estates in the Mainland, which is required to be done in Hong Kong;
  • Assisting clients in applying for and obtaining certain identity administration documents required for Hong Kong people to inherit estates in the Mainland;
  • Representing clients to apply for the Notary Public Certificate of Succession Rights in the Mainland for inheritance of Mainland estates;
  • Representing clients to confirm the right of succession through litigation in the Mainland courts;
  • Representing clients in the transfer of immovable property (e.g. houses) in the Mainland;
  • Representing clients in foreign exchange management procedures in relation to the collection of estates in the Mainland and the remittance of funds into Hong Kong.