Ken Xie
谢先生于中国中山大学接受法学教育,并取得法学学士学位。 谢先生为本所关联的深圳律所(广东港岛律师事务所)的内地执业律师,并在本所香港办公室任法律经理,主要处理跨境遗产继承、内地诉讼、内地物业转让等法律事务。
Legal Manager
Mr. Xie graduated from Sun Yat-sen University of PRC with a LLB Degree. He practiced as a PRC lawyer in Shenzhen before joining our firm. Mr. Xie is a Legal Manager with our Hong Kong office mainling assisting in cases in the areas of cross-border inheritance, probate, civil litigation in PRC, transfer of property in PRC, etc.
Tel: +852 31881995
Email: [email protected]
Office: Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Link: personal profile page