Stella Cai
蔡小姐先后在中国内地和香港接受法律教育,取得法学学士学位和法学硕士学位,并曾取得中国内地律师资格。 蔡小姐为本所法务经理,主要协助本所的公司和商业法律事务团队以及内地民商事诉讼团队的律师,处理公司收购、公司尽调及出具法律意见书、员工激励及持股计划、股份信托及代持等公司商业法律事务以及内地民商事诉讼事务。
Legal Manager
Ms. Cai received legal education in the Mainland China and Hong Kong with an LLB degree and a LLM degree consecutively. She was qualified in the Mainland China. She is a Legal Manager of our firm, mainly assisting our lawyers of Corporate and Commercial Practice Team and PRC Civil Litigation Team in matters such as merger and acquisition, share charge, trust arrangement, corporare matters, compliance and PRC civil litigations.
Telephone: +852 31881995
Email: [email protected]
Office: Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Link: personal profile page